Collector Memorial Hall NSW

Fire by Millicent Armstrong (Playreading)

In Millicent Armstrong’s play “Fire”, a woman faces up to a bushfire threat which proves nearly as dramatic as revelations about real life in her Western NSW rural community in the 1920s. 

Come hear a forgotten Australian classic – 100 years in the making.

Join us for the playreading, read by a fine group of actors from our region, accompanied by drinks and nibbles (included in your ticket), and enjoy a post-show conversation, all within the comfort of the beautifully renovated Collector Memorial Hall.

  • Collector Memorial Hall
  • Sunday 21 July, 3pm
  • Tickets $50 from
fire armstrong theatre show

You will also be able to bid in our silent auction for a range of excellent goodies from artists and arts organisations with whom Music Theatre Projects has developed a close association.

This event is being held as a fundraiser for Music Theatre Projects’ ongoing work exploring and promoting the legacy of Millicent Armstrong, a playwright who lived and farmed in our region. 

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